Friday, May 25, 2012

Gosh i'm freaking 17 years old?

Wassup guys! Hope all of you are doing fine, god bless! Celebrated my 17th birthday with all of my friends in school today and it was uber fun hehe. Lord, i just wanna take this moment now to thank you for all the people you placed in my life. Be it haters or lovers, they all played a significant role in nurturing me to become a much more mature person. Nevertheless, i shall still fight and constantly strive to become a better person.

My wish for this birthday? I would like my daddy god to eradicate all the sadness, anguish, cumbrances and worries that's still lingering in your heart. I want all of my friends out there to be happy, just happy. Thank you everyone for all the wishes!

Special thanks to : Farid, Fathihah, Quzainnah, Vinitha, Zachariah, Billy, Zhe kai, Marshall, Jia Hao, Li Xuan, King Kong, Zoei, Glenna, Sherman, Jia hui, Desiree, dearest 5N1, those that stayed up till 12am to wish me and daddy god :)

P.S. I'm reallyyy sorry if i miss out any of you, i have a memory span of 60 seconds :(

Saturday, April 28, 2012

The first thing we ought to know in life, is to be thankful.

Nick Vujicic said :

"I promise you that for every disability you have, you are blessed with more than enough abilities to overcome your challenges."

"Often we feel life is unfair. Hard times and circumstances can trigger self-doubt and despair. I understand that well. But the bible says, "Consider it pure joy, when you face trials of any kinds." That is a lesson i struggled many years to learn."

"You may fall down and feel as though you don't have the strength to get back up. I know the feeling. We all do. Life isn't always easy, but when we overcome challenges, we become stronger and more grateful for our opportunities.

"Adjustments are necessary along the way because life isn't rosy, but it is always worth living."

"I can't put a hand on your shoulder to reassure you, but i can speak from heart. However desperate your life may see, there is hope."

So... if a person like him can smile and be ridiculously happy, why can't we? :)

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Listen closely.

This is specially dedicated to everyone with this thinking, "I'm not good enough."

Nooo... everyone's good at something! Perhaps you just haven't realise what you're good at. You must be more confident in what you do, don't let other people's opinion pull you down. Nobody's perfect. So no matter how much you strive to change yourself to be better, it's futile! So just be yourself, no one can bring you down except yourself. Bad things happen all the time and most of the time, we let it affect us because we allow the negativity to enter our mind. When you think that your life is tough, think about all those people struggling out there just to catch their last breath. Stop saying i can't do this and i can't do that cos if you keep focusing on the things you can't do, you'll forget about the things you can do. It's reallyyy saddening to see how people are angry at themselves or even worse, angry at life. Life's so beautiful, like what they said, "You only get to live once." You look amazing with that smile, so why frown? It's those little imperfections that make perfection and you my friend, are imperfectly perfect! Have faith in yourself and more importantly, have faith in god. He is watching over you, guiding you, protecting you.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Start of something new.

Just a real short update on what i've been doing lately hehe but first i wanna say... happy birthday marshall wohooo!

Had an awesome day yesterday! Went to "study" with dg and had a tasty and ambrosial ice cream treat by marabelle weeee, thank you! She's our dg's leader and she's damn nice and friendly ahahaha! I'm kinda of the new guy there and it's been an awesome and wonderful experience with them already, they're so nice asdfghjkl. Hope to get to know them better and of cos meet more new people :)

After that went to town to celebrate my homie marshall's birthday! Slacked around scape and cineleisure, played lan and caught the movie wrath of the titans, the movie wasn't as good as i expected... that's about it!

And urghh i'm recently dealing with a lot of stress and stuffs thanks to my studies. I have to put in like thrice the effort more compared to the rest cos i'm not academically inclined. So i hope i'm able to focus on my studies and not get distracted easily for the next few months and most importantly, defeat my nemesis "procrastination". But i believe that with my daddy god here with me, nothing is impossible.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Truth is, i'm trying really hard to be happy.

Have you ever imagined yourself as another person and how would it be like meeting "you"? Well, i did. I saw a happy person, living life to its fullest. In many people's eyes, i'm a happy and carefree person. But the truth is, i'm trying really really hard just to be happy. I used to think that i was a half cup full kinda guy but sadly, i realised i was just being delusional. Honestly, i really despise pessimists. I'm just... a little different from them. Pessimists always look at the negative side of everything, they have little dreams and aspirations, they are always doubting their own abilities and most importantly, they are not happy with their life. On the other hand, i tend to look at the positive side of everything, i have the wildest dreams and the biggest aspirations, i believe that i can achieve anything with my own abilities and most importantly, i am happy with my life, well at least i try to. See the difference there? I know what i've said is rather confusing and contradicting but that's really the way i feel.

And that brings me to my next point, i need someone by my side, preferably a girl. It's not that my friends aren't good, it's just that you know, it's definitely always better confiding your problems to someone of the opposite sex as they perceive things differently from us and may even understand us better than we do, ourselves. Perhaps they're able to get me out of this metaphoric island of loneliness. By saying this, i'm not implying that i want a girlfriend. I don't want a girlfriend, i want a girl-best friend. I wanna be happy naturally, without trying so hard. Period.

You, out there. I want you to know that you are gorgeous just the way you are. Ignore what they said about you, nothing can bring you down, only yourself. Let's get through our predicaments together and never give up alright? Be happy always :)

Sunday, January 1, 2012


It's the start of 2012, the start of a new year and most importantly, the start of something new. Looking back at 2011, all the stuffs that happened, be it good or bad, it made who i am today and i'm proud of it. I've made so many mistakes but i'm glad that after each of these little mistakes, a lesson was learnt. I wanna thank god for helping me in my predicaments and leading me out of those dark tunnels. Here's to each and every single one of my friends for being there for me during the times where i had to cry myself to sleep for weeks, you guys gave me hope and rekindled the light in me and for that, i thank you. I forgive myself for being so vulnerable and in this new year, i wanna give myself a second chance to start afresh, to be someone different, to be someone better. And finally, happy new year everyone, may all your dreams come true :)