Sunday, April 1, 2012

Start of something new.

Just a real short update on what i've been doing lately hehe but first i wanna say... happy birthday marshall wohooo!

Had an awesome day yesterday! Went to "study" with dg and had a tasty and ambrosial ice cream treat by marabelle weeee, thank you! She's our dg's leader and she's damn nice and friendly ahahaha! I'm kinda of the new guy there and it's been an awesome and wonderful experience with them already, they're so nice asdfghjkl. Hope to get to know them better and of cos meet more new people :)

After that went to town to celebrate my homie marshall's birthday! Slacked around scape and cineleisure, played lan and caught the movie wrath of the titans, the movie wasn't as good as i expected... that's about it!

And urghh i'm recently dealing with a lot of stress and stuffs thanks to my studies. I have to put in like thrice the effort more compared to the rest cos i'm not academically inclined. So i hope i'm able to focus on my studies and not get distracted easily for the next few months and most importantly, defeat my nemesis "procrastination". But i believe that with my daddy god here with me, nothing is impossible.

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