Saturday, March 17, 2012

Truth is, i'm trying really hard to be happy.

Have you ever imagined yourself as another person and how would it be like meeting "you"? Well, i did. I saw a happy person, living life to its fullest. In many people's eyes, i'm a happy and carefree person. But the truth is, i'm trying really really hard just to be happy. I used to think that i was a half cup full kinda guy but sadly, i realised i was just being delusional. Honestly, i really despise pessimists. I'm just... a little different from them. Pessimists always look at the negative side of everything, they have little dreams and aspirations, they are always doubting their own abilities and most importantly, they are not happy with their life. On the other hand, i tend to look at the positive side of everything, i have the wildest dreams and the biggest aspirations, i believe that i can achieve anything with my own abilities and most importantly, i am happy with my life, well at least i try to. See the difference there? I know what i've said is rather confusing and contradicting but that's really the way i feel.

And that brings me to my next point, i need someone by my side, preferably a girl. It's not that my friends aren't good, it's just that you know, it's definitely always better confiding your problems to someone of the opposite sex as they perceive things differently from us and may even understand us better than we do, ourselves. Perhaps they're able to get me out of this metaphoric island of loneliness. By saying this, i'm not implying that i want a girlfriend. I don't want a girlfriend, i want a girl-best friend. I wanna be happy naturally, without trying so hard. Period.

You, out there. I want you to know that you are gorgeous just the way you are. Ignore what they said about you, nothing can bring you down, only yourself. Let's get through our predicaments together and never give up alright? Be happy always :)

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