Sunday, January 1, 2012


It's the start of 2012, the start of a new year and most importantly, the start of something new. Looking back at 2011, all the stuffs that happened, be it good or bad, it made who i am today and i'm proud of it. I've made so many mistakes but i'm glad that after each of these little mistakes, a lesson was learnt. I wanna thank god for helping me in my predicaments and leading me out of those dark tunnels. Here's to each and every single one of my friends for being there for me during the times where i had to cry myself to sleep for weeks, you guys gave me hope and rekindled the light in me and for that, i thank you. I forgive myself for being so vulnerable and in this new year, i wanna give myself a second chance to start afresh, to be someone different, to be someone better. And finally, happy new year everyone, may all your dreams come true :)

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